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UEFA Champions League History

The FIFA World Cup, an event that's like a massive global soccer family reunion, has been kicking around since 1930. It all began in Uruguay, with 13 teams battling it out, and now, it's become a mega fiesta with 32 teams, and it's still expanding – 48 teams are on the horizon for 2026! We've seen legendary moments, like Uruguay's inaugural triumph and England's lone victory in 1966. There was Italy's penalty drama in 1994 and Germany's 7-1 thumping of Brazil in 2014, which was so surprising, it made samba music sound like a dirge. But the real kicker? In 2022, the World Cup's heading to Qatar, and it's a hot topic – literally! So, get your soccer shoes, grab your vuvuzela, and get ready for more goal-scoring fun in the future!

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